2021-11-16 演講資訊【演講訊息】 主題: 開發人源化CD24抗體及抗體藥物複合體作為難以治療癌症之標靶藥物:機會與挑戰 演講時間:110.11.19(五) 14:00-15:00
2021-10-18 招生訊息報名日期:110.10.19(週二)上午9點起~110.10.25(週一)下午3點止 口試日期:110.11.12~110.11.14(五~日),依本校公告
Effect of the Chinese Herbal Medicine SS-1 on a Sjögren’s Syndrome-Like Disease in Mice
2021-08-01 研究亮點Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease primarily affecting the exocrine glands; it has a major impact on patients’ lives. The Chinese herbal formula SS-1 is composed of Gan Lu...
Natural Anthraquinone Compound Emodin as a Novel Inhibitor of Aurora A Kinase: a pilot study
2021-07-30 研究亮點Aurora kinase A (AURKA) carries out an essential role in proliferation and involves in cisplatin-resistance in various cancer cells. Overexpression of AURKA is associated with the poor prognosis of...
2021-07-29 研究亮點Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2017; 2017: 3831750.
Discovery of Novel Protein Biomarkers in Urine for Diagnosis of Urothelial Cancer
2021-07-25 研究亮點Urothelial carcinoma (UC) is the ninth most prevalent malignancy worldwide. Noninvasive and efficient biomarkers with high accuracy are imperative for the surveillance and diagnosis of UC. CKD ...
2021-06-22 一般公告研究所畢業證書領取方式 https://news.cmu.edu.tw/ann_detail.php?sn=100452 因應國內COVID-19疫情變化,為降低人員流動感染風險,109學年度第2學期研究所(包含博士班、碩士班 及 碩士在職專班) 畢業證書由研究生事務處以「郵局雙掛號」方式寄發,相關離校及領取事宜,說明如下:
2021-06-15 一般公告110學年度第一學期網路選課時段分配公告 https://acadev.cmu.edu.tw/?q=zh-hant/node/190一、開放課程查詢:2021/06/10(四)13:00 Course open for inquiry: 2021/06/10(Thu) 13:00 二、選課時間:Schedule of course selection: 1、舊生Non-transfer...